NDIS Service Providers in Sydney

Registered NDIS Service Providers in Sydney

ZedCare Ability Services is one of the leading NDIS service providers in Sydney offering exceptional NDIS disability and accommodation services to the individuals with disability. We make it as easy as possible for you to access our services and are more than happy to guide you through the different funding options.

Our comprehensive range of NDIS services includes:

  • Access to Community Social and Activities

We believe in the beneficiary side of community and social connections. Our team organises many social and recreational activities for the participants to feel unity among themselves. From cooking classes to sports events, we offer opportunities for individuals to connect with others and engage in meaningful activities that promote social inclusion and independence.

  • Assistance in Self-Care Activities

Our compassionate support workers provide personalised assistance with self-care activities, such as clothing, personal grooming, dressing, toileting, meal preparation and gardening. We understand the importance of maintaining independence and dignity, and that’s why we work closely with participants to support their individual needs and preferences while promoting a sense of self-confidence.

  • Supported Independent Living (SIL)

We offer supported independent living options for individuals who wish to live independently with the assistance of our trained staff. Our SIL arrangements provide participants with the support they need to manage their daily routines and household tasks while fostering independence and community integration.

  • STA & Respite Care

We provide short-term accommodation (STA) and respite care services to give participants and their families a break from their caregiving responsibilities. Our respite care options offer a safe and nurturing environment for individuals to relax and recharge while their caregivers take a well-deserved break, promoting overall well-being for both participants and their families.

  • Medium-Term Accommodation

Our medium-term accommodation options provide individuals with temporary housing solutions while they transition between living arrangements or await more permanent accommodations. We offer comfortable and accessible residences equipped with the necessary support services to meet the unique needs of each participant.

  • Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

Our custom-build SDA housing are designed to meet the specific needs of individuals with complex support requirements. These homes feature specialised equipment, accessibility modifications, and 24 hrs support to make sure the residents stay safety, comfort, and well-being of residents, promoting independence and community integration.

  • Support Coordination

Navigating the NDIS can be complex, which is why we offer support coordination services to help participants and their families understand their plans, access funding, and connect with the right NDIS supports and services. Our experienced coordinators advocate on behalf of participants to ensure their needs are met effectively and their goals are achieved.

  • Home Modification

We understand the importance of creating environments that are safe, accessible, and tailored to individual needs. Our home modification services help participants make necessary modifications to their living spaces. We can help with installing ramps, handrails, and accessible bathroom fixtures enhancing their independence and quality of life.

In Sydney, ZedCare Ability Services is committed to empowering individuals with disabilities to live fulfilling lives and participate actively in their communities. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support you on your NDIS journey.


Contact us

1300 933 013

Copyright 2023 by ZedCare. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2023 by ZedCare. All rights reserved.

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