VOOHC/SSR Registered Provider

At ZedCare Ability Services, we understand the role played by VOOHC (Voluntary Out-of-Home Care) services for children with disabilities. We truly know the importance of establishing a secure and nurturing environment for vulnerable children. That’s why we prioritize the development of personalised care plans that are specifically tailored to meet each child’s unique needs and aspirations.

Our approach to care revolves around putting the child at the center, ensuring that their individual requirements and goals are at the forefront of our support. We firmly believe in providing comprehensive and most personalised care that addresses the specific challenges and aspirations of children with disabilities.

Why ZedCare is The Best SSRC Registered VOOHC Providers In Sydney?

Registered VOOHC Providers

To achieve the aforesaid goal, we have experienced SSRC registered VOOHC providers, who are efficient to promote the development of essential life skills. Our team of experienced home care professionals is dedicated to ensuring the safety, well-being, and growth of the children under our care. We maintain a high standard of professionalism, employing individuals with expertise in supporting children with disabilities.

Registered VOOHC Providers

By offering VOOHC services in Sydney, ZedCare Ability Services provides an alternative home care and accommodation solution for children with disabilities who may be unable to live with their families for various reasons. We understand the importance of creating an environment that not only safeguards their well-being but also supports their personal growth and the acquisition of vital life skills. Our aim is to enhance their overall quality of life and foster a nurturing atmosphere where they can thrive.

Get A Free Quote Now:

At ZedCare Ability Services, we are committed to delivering exceptional SSRC registered VOOHC providers that make a positive impact on the lives of children with disabilities. Our dedicated team works diligently to create a safe, supportive, and enriching environment that enables each child to reach their full potential.

Contact us today on 1300 933 013 to learn more about our home care services by the professional registered VOOHC providers and how we can assist your child on their journey toward a brighter future.


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1300 933 013

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Copyright 2023 by ZedCare. All rights reserved.

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