Specialist Disability Accommodation ( SDA )

Specialist Disability Accommodation

What is Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)?

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a form of housing that is designed to enable eligible National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants to receive the support they need to live in the community and improve the delivery of their supports.

Participants who are eligible for SDA funding are those with extreme functional impairment or those who have very high support needs.

Specialist Disability Accommodation Investment :
( What is SDA funding? )

SDA funding is provided to cover the capital (bricks and mortar) costs of the dwelling and to support investment in high-quality Specialist Disability Accommodation Sydney dwellings and is not for person-to-person supports.

Providers will need to meet diverse participant needs in new and innovative ways. As the market develops the SDA dwellings will diversify away from group homes with shared in-home supports. It was most commonly constructed under state and territory systems, and towards newer, smaller, dwellings with innovative models of providing support to participants.

How This Helps

Needs Of Specialist Disability Accommodation :

For people in the community with very high needs, securing suitable housing can be an uphold task. However, with Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) a participant can get rid of this complexity. SDA is available to participants of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) who are assessed as needing a special housing solution. It provides financial support to help people with high need disability to rent, buy or build a home that includes the support features that they need.

Why Choose ZedCare for Specialist Disability Accommodation

Zedcare as the Specialist Disability Accommodation Provider :

Engaging ZedCare (NDIS support provider) means we will help you navigate the market when it comes to purchasing SDA. The professional team of our SDA consultants are highly experienced disability services workers who have extensive knowledge of building practices with a special interest in accessibility.

We understand how the NDIS and SDA work and we will take you through the assessment and funding process and help you understand your options and choose the right SDA for your needs.

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  1. Disability Care Services
  2. Disability Transport Services
  3. Supported Independent Living Assistance

For more information, feel free to contact us or call us anytime at 1300 933 013.

Specialist Disability Accommodation

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1300 933 013

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Copyright 2023 by ZedCare. All rights reserved.

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