June 22, 2024
Role of Physical Activity in Enhancing Mental Health and Building Stronger Immunity

In today’s world, taking care of mental and physical health has become more important than anything else. For NDIS participants, regular physical activity can significantly improve both their mental well-being and overall health. As one of the leading disability care services providers in Australia, – ZedCare Ability explores the role of physical activity in promoting...

April 22, 2024
Rights and Responsibilities for NDIS Participants in Disability Accommodation

If you are an NDIS participant, you must know what are your rights and responsibilities while pursuing a disability accommodation in Sydney. This knowledge helps you make several informed decisions regarding accommodation supports and ensure that your personalised goals and aspirations are mitigated. Through this blog, we will be discussing various rights and responsibilities of...

February 29, 2024
Steps To Choose Right NDIS Provider in Sydney

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was introduced in Australia in 2013 to provide financial and support services to people with disabilities. The scheme aims to help individuals with disabilities achieve their goals and improve their quality of life. As an NDIS participant, it’s essential to choose the right NDIS provider in Sydney to ensure...

February 27, 2024
8 Ways a Registered NDIS Provider Empower a Participant

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a revolutionary initiative that has transformed the lives of countless Australians living with disabilities. By providing individualized support and funding, the NDIS aims to help participants achieve their goals, increase their independence, and enhance their overall quality of life. A crucial component of this process is partnering with...

February 1, 2021
How To Make Your Soup More Healthy

Soup is like a warm hug: it’s good for you, it’s comforting and it’s the antidote to a cold winter’s night. And soup doesn’t have to be boring! Here’s how to make your soups even more nutritious and exciting. How To Make Soup Healthier? Give your broth a dietary boost using these tips. Only 1...

September 11, 2020
A Message from the National Suicide Prevention Adviser

On the occasion of ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’, here is what Christine Morgan, National Suicide Prevention Adviser to the Prime Minister, CEO National Mental Health Commission has to say. “Today marks World Suicide Prevention Day in Australia. Now more than ever it is important that we continue to work together as governments, communities, families, colleagues...


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